After an unexpected extended stay in the midwest, I am back home in Colorado and ready to bake with the help of a whole bunch of new, fun things. Christmas came early when Kristin and Tyre got me a white, ceramic, scalloped pie plate and these pie birds.
Don't know what a pie bird is for? It's okay, I didn't either! Find out here.
Then Amanda and Casey got me these. Not only was I surprised by the gift in general, but each item was on my wish list!
Next is this delicious collection of recipes, but it's not to keep. Brett's Mama is loaning it to me because it's her favorite.
Brett gave me this beautiful apron! It's from my favorite store!! I LOVE it!!!

I opened up this present from Sissy on Christmas morning. I don't have a picture yet because I couldn't fit it in my carry-on suitcase. I will have to wait for it to arrive by mail (sad face) but it's another item I can check of my list!
Mama shipped some of Christmas back home ahead of me and when I arrived, I had a package filled with all sorts of baking goodies, including these.
When I'm done trying out all of my new tools, I'll start reading the top book on the stack next to my bed. Rachel sent it to me with a "seems right up your alley" note. Thanks Rachey!
It came as a bit of a shock when I didn't get one of these, so I'll go ahead and leave them on my list. If someone could please take a bit from the French Country, Napa Valley, and Craftsman designs and build me my very own, that would b great. Thanks ;)
What did you bake over the holidays?